Hussaina Shehu

Hussaina is a Media Practitioner and Community Manager at Steer Initiative. As a media practitioner, she advocates for girl child education and speaks on the need for education and social inclusion of girls.

As a community manager at Steer Initiative, she is responsible for scheduling, preparing, and planning training sessions for teachers in selected communities in Nigeria and follows up with Steer Initiative scholars at the Keep Girls in School Scholarship Program.

Over the past three years, Hussaina’s passion for girl child education and inclusion has made her gain experience in the development sector areas of advocacy, policy influencing, and campaigns. She has participated in several education campaigns, conferences, and projects with notable organisations such as Yiaga Africa, YALI Abuja, the Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC), and the Legislative Mentorship Initiative (LMI). Through these participations, she has honed her leadership skills and communication abilities. She also gained hands-on experience in Project Management, Project Evaluation, Legislative Engagement, and Community engagement. Hussaina’s long-term goal is to become a thriving Community leader.

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